Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First steps

It has occurred in the past that passive house building techniques did not suit specific areas for example Californian passive solar building techniques were directly copied and applied to European passive construction projects, this was a major mistake and should never be repeated due to the fact that insulation, ventilation and window details should be designed and integrated to suit the climate and geographic conditions of differing location from China to California to Central European locations, so the Passive concept can achieve maximum capabilities, while taking the local building traditions and specific climatic conditions into consideration. The mistake leads to poor results from the development due to the difference in solar gains between sunny and cloudy locations.
It must be identified that the laws of physics or general principle will remain identical for all passive houses worldwide be it a warm or cool climate, where levels of efficiency must be achieved when cooling, heating, lighting or other energy demanding elements are in operation. Heating in a cool climate during the peak of the cold season must not exceed 10 W/msq, Passive methods to reduce energy demand include increased insulation, heat recovery via ventilation system, super windows, passive solar gains etc. Peak heating loads should be set at design stage and is easier to achieve internal comfort in warmer climates compared to cold climates where more thought is required at design stage. Cooling is viewed as essential to heating depending on location and can achieve reductions in energy demand in the form of shading, insulation, subsoil heat exchangers and by reducing the internal heat loads with the incorporation of highly efficient appliances.
If affordability in comparison to conventional buildings is achieved, the high level comforts provided by a passive house along with reduced energy use and less associated cost compared to achieving a zero energy building will entice clients towards the passive concept. The high costs associated with ground coupled systems used for heating and cooling need addressing where alternative option may prove more beneficial from the budget provided by the client.
The parametric study of the building design is essential to understand energy demands, financial investment and the level of healthy environment provided, this study will effectively develop passive solutions for varying climates worldwide.


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